Wow! I knew Madonna could do several amazing things. Bend like a 2 year old @ the age of 48.Dance like the wind and croon like no tomorrow.And of course she beats everyone hollow with her performances.
But driving away mosquitoes, I did not know about that.
No, She does not run after them with a spray or a swatter.And you don't really need her to be around. All you need is her music.
Yes, her latest hit "confessions on a dance floor" have those special eclectic beats which lures humans, but drives mosquitoes out of the house.The beats have been co-developed with none other than the ASCII - American Science institute.And the testing and validation has been offshored to the SPCA - society for prevention of cruelty to animals. The SPCA is very keen on this since it prevent mosquitoes without any harm to them.
And knowing the great benovelence of the all gracious Madonna, She has donated all proceeds of this research to the study of malaria and has donated multitudes of copies of the album to malaria prone Niger and Sudan.
Hard to beleive, right? Just play it loud before you sleep tonight. Instead of swatting yourself, all you will do is tap away to the wonderful music.
No more nets, poisonous fumes or sprays. If only I'd known earlier!